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Cuidados propuestos :
Cuidado de niños, Cuidados a tiempo parcial / después del colegio (info)

Jonna, cuida de niños en Bilbao

Los plus de Jonna



I am a 28 years old Finnish woman and I just recently moved to Bilbao. I graduated from University of Helsinki in 2015 as a Master of Theology, Degree Programme in Religion Teacher Education, Two School-Subjects Line (Religion and History). As a qualified teacher I am seeking work that would enable me to teach and aid children in their studies as well as a traditional nanny.

So far, I have never worked as a nanny, but I have experience teaching kids 7 years old to teenagers. I have also worked as a teaching assistant in Finland. In that job I helped students with learning difficulties in small groups, so I am familiar working with children with learning difficulties. I think that families who are seeking someone to teach their kids in English and hoping to improve their children's conversational skills would find me just right person to the task.

At the moment I am an English teacher for two girls aged 7 and 9. My way of teaching them is based on games and creative storytelling, where the kids have the possibility to create the contents of the lessons. Since my castellano is not yet very good, this has motivated the kids to speak more English and also act as a teacher themselves. This makes me more approachable to even shy kids. I believe that with couragement and positive feedback the children are more willing to learn.

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Servicios propuestos Cuidado de niños
Cuidados a tiempo parcial / después del colegio
Experiencia Experiencia familiar: cuidado de hermanos, primos...
Ya he cuidado niños de 3 a 6 años
más de 6 años
Idiomas hablados Inglés (bilingüe )
Español (principiante)
Francés (principiante)
Servicios adicionales Ayuda con los deberes : Sí, a nivel de primaria y secundaria
Cocinar para los niños : No, prefiero que no
Ayuda con las tareas domésticas / planchado : Sí, puedo


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36 años
Jonna, cuida niños en Bilbao


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8,00 €
a la hora
Servicio de canguro puntual
10,30 €
a la hora
Cuidado a tiempo parcial/después del colegio

I have graduated from the University of Helsinki as teacher of two subjects and as nanny I would teach your children english as well. Therefore my salary request is bit higher than usual.